Friday 29 March 2019

Let Me Introduce

            This time I will introduce myself. My name is Fanny Dwi Fabian, but you can also call me Fanny. I live in Depok, Palsigunung, Cimanggis, Depok,  West Java , Indonesia. I was born on February 10, 1997 in the city of Bogor. My formal education, I went to elementary school (SD) Negeri Pekayon 05 Jakarta, Then I went to school in Junior High School (SMP) 91 Jakarta, After Graduation I continued My education at Senior High School (SMA) Negeri 106 Jakarta and then i am studying at Gunadarma  University in Computer Science Faculty, Information System Major in Depok City.
            I am 21 years old. I am a man and i am moslem. I college student .i am the second child in Mahfudin family. My father name is Mahfudin ,he is working as private employees at PT Meiwa.Tbk .my mother name is Suhartini, she is housewife . i have 2 sister’s ,my oldest sister is Gari Muthia Dewi she is 26 years old now and my younger sister is Galuh Rasita Dewi she is 12 years old now, and my oldest sister has married and has a children his name is Alvino Daffa Muhammad ,and his husband is Ahmad Fathoni.
            My height is 167 cm , i have got black hair and i have got a round face shape ,my eyes are round and have a sharp nose ,my eye color is black . my skin tone is brown,my blood type is B ,my foot size is 40
            I am friendly and sometimes ignorant .i am trustworthy person .i am relaxed about the situation uncontrollably ,always think calm i am responsible and hardworking about my test in college.i am friends with anyone as long as they respect me. My hobbies are soccer , listening music and traveling many place. My future goals are graduate from universty in this year  , having a good job , i want to devolop my self  to be Information Systems Audit

Thank's for reading ....


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